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    Top 30 Website Sales Of All Time

    A lot has changed since we first published Top 30 Website Sales Of All Time back in March 2009.
    In this, our 2017 update we feature some brand new websites such as JET.com and Lynda.com.
    All 30 website sales have been at valuations of over 1 Billion USD and the largest grossing exit was for 26.2 Billion!
    Truly starting a website is still one of the best routes to riches!
    If you are planning to sell your website one day then there can be no better advice than to start with the end in mind or as Ryan Allis succinctly puts it:

    “You have to work with the end in mind and every day make sure your working towards it”

    That last bit is particularly important:
    Ask yourself daily – are you working towards your goals?
    The entrepreneurs who founded the businesses below are outstanding examples of starting with the end in mind and working towards your goals.
    I am inspired, I hope you are too!
    Special Notes:
    a) We are focused on successful Website Sales by founding entrepreneurs. We have not included businesses that went public (eg Facebook and Twitter) – However an number of the successful Website Sales have been as a result of the business being bought by Public Companies.
    b) Not all Website Sales worked out well for the purchaser. An example of that was Microsoft paying over 6 Billion in cash for online display advertising company aQuantive in 2007 (No 2 in our list)

    Top 30 Website Sales Of All Time

    Final thoughts on Website Sales:

    => Every website I create is a asset I will sell one day.
    • => My websites don’t just earn me money every day – they are my retirement fund!

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