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    Popup Domination – How One Simple App Quadrupled My Email List


    How To Increase Your Email Opt-in Rate

    I’m really excited to share this with you guys, it’s my very first WordPress Plugin which has done wonders for 100’s of people already and it can do the same for you. I have heard from users that they have had increases in conversions from anywhere between 150% and 1100%! It’s called Popup Domination and in today’s post, I will be showing you around the Plugin and you will be able to see for yourself just how easy it is and the results you can get.
    Most of you will know that email marketing is a big part of my income, without it I wouldn’t be where I am today. This is how it works: You get people to opt-in > Promote Something On ThankYou Page > Sell Affiliate Products in Autoresponder > Email List at Any Time Promotions and Updates! I personally believe that anyone who has a mailing list should be giving something away to entice people into signing up, in my case I created a 7 day free eCourse to creating your first profitable blog. I then set up an autoresponder in Aweber so that every day for 7 days they get lessons, then after that I switch to weekly and in between weeks I send out promotions.
    Having a mailing list can be quite simply and it really is the biggest game changer you can have for your business, ask any guru or big internet entrepreneur and they will say the power is in the list and this is because they can keep sending back visitors time after time to their sites promoting new offers and content. Take a look at this post for example, over 75% of the people who will read this article will of read it because they are on my list. Now it’s time to not just create a list, but to super charge it so that you can play catch up and get a lot of subscribers from DAY 1!
    If You Don’t Yet Know How Great Email Marketing Is, Check These Posts Out:
    More Opt-ins, More Leads, More Sales – Email Marketing Made Easy
    How To Grow Your Email List Fast!
    Building Your Mailing List and Making Money From It
    In case after that you are still not convinced, check this screenshot out, literally 2 months ago I had more traffic and was only getting around 15 opt-ins a day, now I’m in the 100’s!
    If you are a regular reader of IncomeDiary, you would know that we spend a lot of time working on our email marketing. Why? Because, it brings us so much traffic and makes us a lot of money.
    When we first started trying to build our mailing list, we would get only a few opt-ins a day. Over time, it went up to around 25 new subscribers a day.
    One day, we heard about how one of the biggest sites in our industry were using a popup and that it was by far the best technique they use to get subscribers.
    So, we decided to add a popup to our site.
    We started by looking for a WordPress plugin to do this for us, but quickly we found that there was no such plugin that would do what we wanted.
    So we designed our own popup and got our developer to code it for us. That first day, we got over 100 new subscribers. Our conversion rate went up by over 500%!
    So we went back to our developer and asked him to make it into a WordPress plugin that everyone could use. We called it PopUp Domination.
    The week we launched, we sold over 500 copies.
    That was back in 2010.
    In 2016, after 6 years of being in business, we finally finished working on version 4, which is a web app.
    Below, I share 20 of my favourite features:

    20 Reasons Why PopUp Domination Is The Best In Industry

    Email Themes

    Collect email subscribers by using one of their many email popup designs. With dozens of different themes and every colour available, you can find a theme not only to convert well, but to perfectly match your current site design.

    Redirect Themes

    You can use these themes to redirect users to different pages on your site, or perhaps even an affiliate page. Consider this, you are reading this post and then as you go to leave, a popup appears, promoting this tool. From experience, this converts well!

    Countdown Themes

    Create a scarcity by showing countdowns. When a visitor knows they only have a set amount of time to decide, conversions go up. 

    Exit PopUps

    Show the popup when visitors are going to leave your website. This works well because it gives you one more chance to convert them.

    On Click PopUps

    Show a popup when somebody clicks on an object, text, image or another website area. Great if you want to offer a free eBook or a coupon code in a blog post, in exchange for their email address.

    PopUp Triggers

    Trigger popups based on total time spent on the website, object mouse over, page scroll, on idle, page views or use query strings to target specific audiences.

    A/B Testing

    Split test your popups against each other, find the best converting popup for your page and boost your subscriber list.


    It’s important to see how well your popups are converting, so that you can see how you can improve. Stats include, highest converting pages, conversion rate, impressions and much more.

    Super Fast

    PopUp Domination host everything so your website won’t be slowed down and you can integrate it easily. This is one of the main reasons it’s not a WordPress plugin, because the service provided can be a lot better.

    Responsive Themes

    All designs are fully responsive, which means they will change in size depending on the device they are viewed on. You can display your popups on all devices or target, for example, only smartphone users.

    Customizable Designs

    You can change the colour and size of all our themes. You can even use custom HTML, CSS and JS!

    Blank Theme HTML/CSS/JS

    Good new for developers and designers, you can build custom designs and insert scripts.

    Geographical Targeting

    Show popups only to the countries you want to target. Make sure your popups appears only for the visitors you want to see it.

    Page Specific PopUps

    Show popups only on the URLs or pages you want to show them. Use wildcards if you want to show on specific pages or use the popup, for example, only on a landing page.

    Referral Sites

    Show popups based on the sites your traffic is coming from. Great if you want to run a promotion to one traffic source. Or perhaps you notice some traffic doesn’t buy your products, so you are best focusing on promoting your Facebook page instead.

    Notification Popups

    You can position them wherever you like on the screen and the user can still interact with the website without closing the popup.

    Show on object mouse over

    Show popups when a visitor hovers the object, text, image or another website area, get your visitors attention.

    Show on idle/total time spent on website

    Show popups when there is no interactions or user has spent some time on website browsing different pages.

    Mobile / Desktop only popups

    For users who are concerned about Google popups policy. We have mobile themes only for mobile devices.

    Edit CSS  in existing templates

    Also, you can edit CSS code in existing templates.

    In case after that, you are still not convinced you should try yourself using the 14 DAY FREE TRIAL.  Literally 2 months ago I had more traffic and was only getting around 15 opt-ins a day, now I’m in the 1000’s!
    Popup Domination Results!
    Just looking at forums, reviews, Twitter, Facebook and personal emails from buyers excites me so much because the results are incredible, this really will make a big difference to everyone who buys it, they will see a big difference in their bottom line. Make sure to visit Popup Domination and buy it today!

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