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    9 Ways to Make Money with YouTube

    9 Ways to Make Money with YouTube
    Presented By: Jay Boyer and John S. Rhodes
    CLICK HERE for Access to the Video Tube Secrets Special Webinar Package
    (IMPORTANT - This offer expires Sunday, July 27th @ midnight PST)
    © Copyright 2014 J. J. Fast Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. This guide may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Every effort has been made to make this guide as complete and accurate as possible. Although the author and publisher have prepared this guide with the greatest of care, and have made every effort to ensure the accuracy, we assume no responsibility or liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Before you begin, check with the appropriate authorities to insure compliance with all laws and regulations.
    Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information on online marketing and technology only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this report should be used as a guide – not as the ultimate source of Internet marketing information.
    The purpose of this report is to educate. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report, nor do we make any claims or promises of your ability to generate income by using any of this information.
    CLICK HERE for Access to the Video Tube Secrets Special Webinar Package
    (IMPORTANT - This offer expires Sunday, July 27th @ midnight PST)
    © Copyright 2014 J. J. Fast Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. This guide may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Every effort has been made to make this guide as complete and accurate as possible. Although the author and publisher have prepared this guide with the greatest of care, and have made every effort to ensure the accuracy, we assume no responsibility or liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Before you begin, check with the appropriate authorities to insure compliance with all laws and regulations.
    Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information on online marketing and technology only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this report should be used as a guide – not as the ultimate source of Internet marketing information.
    The purpose of this report is to educate. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report, nor do we make any claims or promises of your ability to generate income by using any of this information.
    Table of Contents
    Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5
    Semi-Amazing Facts About YouTube ...................................................................... 6
    #1 – Earn Money by Posting Fun Videos to YouTube ........................................... 19
    4 Real-Life Case Studies .................................................................................... 24
    #2 – “Rent” a Viral Video for Free Traffic ............................................................. 28
    #3 – Get ranked on Google Page 1 (for just about any keyword!)… ..................... 31
    #4 – Set up a YouTube Channel for Local Businesses as a Service ........................ 34
    #5 – Cash-In With the Sponsored Ads Program .................................................... 36
    #6 – Use Free YouTube Hosting To Deliver Video Info-Products .......................... 37
    #7 – Generate Revenue from Product Review Videos .......................................... 39
    #8 – Shoot a “Hollywood” Book Trailer for Your Kindle eBooks ........................... 40
    #9 – Sell Physical Products with “Unboxing” Videos ............................................ 44
    How Can You Get Started? ................................................................................... 45
    Video Tube Spy .................................................................................................... 50
    Video Tube Secrets .............................................................................................. 55
    YouTube Secret Weapons .................................................................................... 57
    White Label Resale Rights .................................................................................... 60
    Private Label Rights .............................................................................................. 61
    8 Video Squeeze Page Templates ......................................................................... 62
    Video Creation Toolbox ....................................................................................... 63
    Secret Software ................................................................................................... 65
    500 Music Tracks ................................................................................................. 66
    CLICK HERE for Access to the Video Tube Secrets Special Webinar Package
    (IMPORTANT - This offer expires Sunday, July 27th @ midnight PST)
    Total Value ........................................................................................................... 66
    What People Are Saying About Video Tube Secrets ............................................. 69
    This Disappears at Midnight Sunday .................................................................... 72

    You’ve surely seen some emails this week all about YouTube, all about how to make money with YouTube, and all about the reasons to use YouTube. Everything from free traffic, to easy monetization, to digging into niches you never even knew existed… You never even dreamt of some of these niches where there’s a lot of money.
    If you understand what YouTube is really all about, you’re going to be able to really bolster any business you may have, or bootstrap and supplement anything that you’re doing now. If you haven’t done anything online, this is a great place to be starting your business. It’s a great place for traffic and a great way to convert people. It’s just a great way to engage an audience with great niches as well. All on YouTube. What a wonderful ecosystem!
    The real focus today is 9 ways to make money with YouTube. It’s about building and growing a business with YouTube, or using it as a traffic-generating overlay to power you current online business.
    In this report you’re going to get hands on material. That’s over the shoulder stuff, as well as a demo of our brand-new software.
    Whether you’re just starting out or testing the waters in this internet marketing space, or you have an established business and you’re looking for some innovative ways to harness video and video traffic straight to your blog pages or Facebook pages, that’s what we’re going to talk about shortly.
    We’re going to kick things off and start lightly with some fun facts, not only to entertain but to give you a better scope of what YouTube is and exactly how much clout they have.
     Semi- Amazing Facts About Youtube
     cts About YouTube cts About YouTube cts About YouTubects About YouTubects About YouTubects About YouTube
    So are you ready for some fun and fairly mind-boggling facts about YouTube?
    Fun Fact #1 - If YouTube users were a country, it would be the largest in the world after China and India…

    There’s over a billion unique users. These are registered users with a Google account, who are logging in to YouTube every single day. It’s a social sharing site as well as place that people can go to search for how-to information, or post fun videos or home movies that they want to share with the grandparents across the country.
    This is what people are doing on YouTube and it’s everywhere.
    Fun Fact #2 - 14.4% of US workers are watching YouTube videos at work every day (instead of maybe… working). Maybe you can relate to this?

     It’s hard to avoid it! They show up in emails, they’re embedded in Gmail. It’s what people are sharing in YouTube, but no one’s cruising YouTube at work… right? (You’re not alone).
    Fun Fact #3 – The most popular, most viewed, and most shared video at YouTube was created by South Korean artist named “Psy” about 2 years ago. Since then he has had over 2 billion views for his video “Gangnam Style”.

    By the way, it has spawned its own industry in Gangnam Style “copycat” videos…

    Just look at some of the views these copycat videos are generating as well. Some of them are just dance videos.
    If you look at the listings, things start to get interesting. One is a Minecraft parody of Gangnam Style, and another the Annoying Orange parody.
    This is exactly what you can be doing. You can latch onto a trend, even those created by YouTube itself, and you can be adding an overlay of Minecraft, or the Walking Dead (like zombies doing the dance), or whatever else you want.
    These are crazy popular videos, 17 million views for the “Minecraft” parody.
    What is Minecraft? It’s the #1 most popular app on the iTunes appstore. It’s a video game where you can create worlds out of building blocks.
    We just wanted to give you an idea how “niched out” this is. Adding your own secret sauce and getting some crazy viral videos just latching onto a trend.
    However despite all those things, the next fact is absolutely the most interest statistic being revealed today…

    Fun Fact #4 - Thousands of people from over 30 different countries all over the world are earning 6 figures per year by partnering with YouTube:

    We’ve been deep diving YouTube for the past 6 weeks, and you can find these statistics for yourself right on the official YouTube page. We’re going to be getting more into this in a bit.
    You don’t have to be Weird Al, you can start generating some of these crazy viral views with your own video and the stuff you want to do and would talk about anyway.
    We were talking about Minecraft, and these are a bunch of kids who started this YouTube channel called “Sky Does Minecraft”. All they do is sit around and play Minecraft, recording it via screen capture and make funny comments:
    It’s kind of like Beavis and Butthead. Well these guys are doing the same thing with this video game. They upload these videos that are about 15 minutes long, and they are generating over 6 million dollars profit per year with this single channel (and they are not alone in that figure).
    So “Minecraft” and other video games. Really, any kind of “cheat sheet” videos are very popular right now.
    This is a girl named Zoella. She’s in the beauty, health, and teenage girl concerns niches. Those are all viable niches right now (and she’s become a celebrity because of her videos).
    We’ll get into deeper into these case studies a little bit later, but we’ll give a quick overview.
    Also cooking and recipes are super-hot as well (kind of like the Food Network stuff):
    Not to mention pet videos:

    You don’t have to be Weird Al. You can be whoever you want to be and talking about what you want. That’s what’s amazing, and you can be earning some of this life changing income yourself.
    How are they doing it?
    We’ll be doing deep dives on these case studies there, but you also get 8 more ways to earn a living from the comfort of your couch with simple YouTube videos.

    Jay used to be a full-time carpenter up until he started internet marketing about 6 years ago. The real estate market crashed and he was forced to make some pretty intense changes in his life in order to get by. Fast forward to today and it’s all completely changed for him.
    The best part is that he’s been able to do it from home. In fact, he just built a new house in the mountains in Arizona, and he’s not doing it from his couch, instead he’s doing it from his brand-new office.
    How can you get those things for yourself? Well that’s what we’re talking about today!
    But first, we’re going to give you a really fast 3-minute history of YouTube.
    Once upon a time in 2005, three young guys (who were former PayPal employees) had an idea:
     They purchased a domain name called youtube.com, and they started this video sharing site that you can use to upload, view, and share any of your personal videos.
    Do you know what the first YouTube video was?
    It was created by this guy named Jawed Karim and they were just testing their servers:
     It was the first video ever uploaded to YouTube just to make sure it worked. It’s silly little 18 second video that Jawed created at the zoo, and it has completely changed the world and how people consume information online.
    Things happened very quickly for these guys, and less than 18 months after starting their website Google stepped in and purchased it outright for 1.6 billion dollars.

    Why do you think Google would purchase a video sharing site for 1.6 billion dollars?
    They simply saw the potential.
    In hindsight, it was actually the best acquisition Google ever made.
    They purchased YouTube because they looked around and it was easy to see that videos were getting the most clicks online.
    Videos were how people were choosing to consume information online. It wasn’t text anymore or stationary images… it was moving images.
    This is what people were creating themselves, sharing, and uploading and it was the future of communication. Now video is everywhere thanks to YouTube.
    It also coincides with the fact of very popular devices that were taking off, like the iPhone which came out in 2007:
    These devices gave everyone powerful recording capabilities in their pocket, and it basically It people to become information publishers. You don’t need those huge video cameras that used to be standard. It made it possible for everyone to shoot a short video, upload it, and 60 seconds later be sharing it with all their friends.
    This is probably the most perfect video viewing consumption device ever created, the iPad:

    Did you know that the Samsung cellphone is more popular than the iPhone? These Android devices do the same thing.
    Once again, it’s the perfect consumption device for videos.
    You can create videos on them, upload them to YouTube and share them on these devices.
    The rest as they say, is history. Time magazine named YouTube the person of the year
    It was just that big, everyone was onto it at that point.
    Today it is a cultural phenomenon.
    Do you think there’s a chance in hell that this South Korean artist would ever reach this popularity he achieved if it wasn’t for YouTube?
    Do you think anyone in the US, or the UK, or wherever would know who he is?
    Not a chance!
    YouTube is everywhere. It’s in 53 countries and 61 languages.

    Over 4 billion videos are viewed each day, which is about 5,000 views every second.
    It’s everywhere and you can’t escape. No one even wants to escape it, it’s here to stay.
    Google is a big reason why.
    YouTube has been completely integrated with Google since 2006, and they’ve built multiple platforms around YouTube. For example, Google Hangouts:
    You could replace every webinar platform with Google hangouts. With Google Hangouts, all you have to do is turn on your camera and give a presentation. It’s then instantly uploaded to your YouTube channel.
    And you better believe the Google search engine is going to give preference to YouTube.
    Google is the #1 search engine, and did you know that YouTube is the #2 search engine? People are going there for “how-to” information every second of every day.
    This all means every time you upload a video to YouTube, you’re leveraging the power of Google as well.
    If the content ends up being valuable, they’re going to do everything they can to make sure that’s it viewed in every one of their platforms and properties possible.
    For 18-36 year olds, YouTube has basically replaced radio and television.
    Do you remember those TV’s with bunny ears or actual dial channels instead of remote controls? Or transistor radios?
    Who even knows what radio is anymore?
    Sure you can still listen to it in the car, but it’s hardly the same thing as it used to be. Kids these days wouldn’t have a clue (save for watching the Christmas Story once a year).
    The younger generations consume all their music online, and they wouldn’t even know what music to listen to if it wasn’t for YouTube.
    YouTube is actually creating original content for television now. They’re moving in on cable TV as well.
    It’s just a huge content generating machine, and this is really the choice demographic that advertisers are drooling over.
    18 – 36 year old young people. If network TV had that, they’d have nothing to worry about.
    So what do all these crazy facts and figures mean to you? Why should you care?
    Here’s the big takeaway…
    If you’re not making money by partnering with YouTube right now, you’re missing out on one of the most lucrative cash cows online.

    How can you start generating income right now with YouTube even if you’ve never made a single video before in your life?
    That’s what we’re here to talk about.
    We’re going to spill the beans on 9 different ways you can start earning almost instantly
    Thousands of people all over the world are earning over 6-figures a year.
    They don’t actually tell you the exact number of people, but based on the knowledge that advertisers paid $5.6 billion to YouTube in 2013, and the fact that they take 45% of the ad revenue, there is most likely 2500 to 3000+ people making that kind of income.
    So thousands of people from all over the world are being paid hundreds of thousands directly from the YouTube partner program.
    How are they doing it?
    How are they generating that kind of revenue by partnering with YouTube?
    Have you ever noticed that little ad in the corner when you go to watch a video?
    That’s how they do it. Advertisers are paying YouTube to run those short little ads before the video that people really want to see.
    What ends up happening is that a lot of people continue watching those advertisements even after they can click away.
    They’re really smart about this by the way. For example, if you want to watch a video about how to potty train your dog, and they play an ad for Purina dog food, there’s a big chance you’ll watch that ad because it’s highly relevant.
    Every time that people watch the ad past the countdown timer, the advertiser pays some money to Google, which they split about 50 - 50 with you.
    That’s how so many people are generating over $100,000.
    How do you do it?
    How do you take advantage of this simple technique and become one of those thousands of people making 6 figures?
    Even if it’s not hundreds of thousands, what about $10,000?
    Or even just $1,000? Would that change your life?
    Simply by uploading videos of stuff you like to do anyway to YouTube?
    Here’s how you do it, in a nutshell.
    Step 1: Pick something that you love to do or talk about…
    It’s not recommended to get into something you don’t enjoy.
    Pick something you know and love or that’s a hobby of yours.
    Maybe you’re an expert in something?
    Step 2: shoot a quick 3-minute video. Use your cellphone, you do not need an elaborate setup with tripods or lights.
    Step 3: Upload it to your YouTube channel and start earning advertising revenue with the partner program
    The best part is that you can find an audience for almost any niche under the sun!
    Here’s some example niches that are doing really well right now:

     Knitting                                                             Minecraft

     Beauty                                                               World of Warcraft

     Make-up tips                                                     Computers
     Ethnic Cooking
     Copycat Recipes
     Toys & Games
     Children’s books
     Romance novel reviews
     Gansta rap
     Arts & crafts
     Health
     Yoga / Pilates
     Dogs
     Cats
     Funny / weird pets
     Baby animals
     Foreign language
     TV Shows
     Movies
     Gun rights
     Survival
     “Reality” TV
    Hopefully that might give you an idea to help find your area and get those creative juices flowing. At the end of the day you are creating reality TV (whether you know it or not). It’s the easiest content that network TV has ever created.
    You can do the exact same thing.
    4 Real-Life Case Studies
    We talked about Minecraft a little while ago. These young men are earning millions of dollars. But they just started on a whim. They had no intention of making the kind of revenue they are now, they were just doing it for fun.

    They just started a channel and uploaded these videos to it. And it went crazy popular because they were publishing to a popular trend.
    $6 million a year for these young men, God bless them (and I sure hope they are smart with it!)
    Next we have the young lady named Zoella. She started this channel a couple years ago and now she has sponsors like Revlon and Maybelline who send her free stuff. She actually has a deal like professional athlete sponsorships.
    She’s generating passive revenue and has one of the most popular channels out there. She started just beauty tips but now it’s about Zoella. She’s gone beyond the “how-to” stage and she’s become a celebrity.
    She interviews people, makes frequent updates and answers questions, interacts with her viewers. It’s her own show, it’s like the Ellen show. Except it’s on YouTube instead!
    Here’s another one. These guys are crazy! If you’ve never seen them before it’s called “Epic Meal Time”.

    Their niche is sort of extreme cooking. These are crazy and hairy dudes with beards (they could be bikers), but they have something going. They’re funny and personable, and really not as scary as they look. And they come up with these crazy recipes.
    If you’ve ever seen the food network, some of the people on there are like offbeat personalities, and that’s what gets people watching.
    Within 12 months of starting their channel, they have become are well known and became rich.
    This is a channel who is basically a pet owner who takes 60-90 second videos of his supposedly talking dog named Mishka. Blue eyed husky and certainly photogenic. Whether he’s actually talking or not doesn’t matter.
    That’s the hook here, it’s not just a dog channel -- it’s a talking dog channel. The dog is very expressive, he moans and groans and barks, he’s not a real talking dog but it doesn’t matter. And this guy is making a lot of money off the advertising revenue.

    But this is not all about videos you create. You don’t even need to be able to create videos like these people have in order to cash in with YouTube.
    This is the formula for this model:
    1. You provide the content.
    2. YouTube sends the traffic (facilitated certainly by sites like Facebook).
    3. You get paid every month (it’s really that simple).
    But there’s a dirty little secret that 6-figure video YouTube creators will never tell you:
    Most of them had no previous video experience… at all!
    They didn’t study film in college, they don’t work for a TV production company. They weren’t even likely on their high school A/V team.
    You don’t need that. All that you need is a…
     A hobby or passion. Just a subject you love to talk about or something you like doing.
     An audience for this topic! You can’t be the only one interested (most likely you won’t be so don’t worry too much about it).
     A cell-phone camera. You don’t need expensive cameras or production equipment, you can take super HD quality with a simple cellphone or iPad.
     Your own “Secret Sauce”. You need your hook like the talking dog for example. Your own personality or excitement. You can do this even if you’ve never done it before!
    This how it’s done, and you might surprise yourself by what you’re capable of. Jay himself is a great example because he used to be a carpenter. He never would have imagined that he would
    be hosting online webinars, and if you probably told him 10 years that he would be doing this, he would think you’re crazy!
    The point is that you never really know until you try.
    In any case, do what you do best. Don’t try to be somebody else, and that’s it!
    As we mentioned earlier before, you don’t have to create a single video yourself in order to start making money with YouTube.
    It may come as a relief to you. This is a technique that is very powerful and simple.
    Basically you can siphon off some of that traffic and the billion viewers every month to some of these crazy niche channels.
    Any niche that you can think of under the sun, you can find viral videos with thousands and even millions of views on them related to that niche.
    What niche are you in?
    What are you blogging about? Is it a Facebook fan page you’re building out and monetizing via Tee Spring?
    Are you into weddings? Historic women leaders? Sustainability? Paralegal careers? Cowbells? Horse training? Whatever it is, you can head over to YouTube and find viral videos related to that niche.
    We’ll be getting into research more in just a little bit. But what you can see below is a viral video that Jay found that was related to an Amazon product he has.
    This is what we called the YouTube “landlord” or renting method. He noticed it didn’t have any link in the description.
    If you go over to a video there’s going to be more information in the description area below the video. That’s a great way to monetize these YouTube videos, but many people don’t even know that they can be linking out to affiliate products or information products of your own.
    You can even link to your Facebook fan page, your own website, or a Fiverr gig. Anything under the sun, you can link to in the description box.
    So Jay found that video that was directly related to an Amazon product he was selling and it didn’t have a link in the description box. He reached out to the video creator, and it never occurred to him that he could be making money with this video.
    At the time it had over a million views, and Jay just reached out through the YouTube messaging system asking if he could rent the video for $10.
    If you go to this video now, it’s got a different link in it because he’s making a lot more money than he did renting it out for $10. But Jay had his link on this video for about 6 months’ time for $10.
    You can imagine he got some crazy traffic to his Amazon product.
    You can be linking out to a squeeze page as well, like if you had a product about cats.
    That’s how you monetize it and how you can find almost unlimited traffic from these YouTube videos and funnel it to your own niche offer, eBook, or information product.
    That’s how it’s done and you can do it too.
    Before we move on, another way you can approach these video creators is offering a revenue share. That being the case, you don’t have to spend any money up front and it might help to keep them promoting your video
    Have you ever noticed that Google loves to feature videos on page 1 when you do a search?
    If you type in “how to bake a cake”, or “how to clean out your mother’s garage”, or “how to” anything:
    Kindle Publishers, this is for you. Information publishers, this is for you.
    One of the best ways to generate traffic and sales for these things is to create YouTube videos.
    If you typed in “how to bake a cake” your page will look a lot like this (if it even changes at all):

    The top organic result is “4 ways to bake a cake” at wikiHow. That may be of interest to some people, but what result would you click on? The wikiHow link, or the hot little results with the thumbnails that basically leap off the page?
    Images rule! Isn’t that cool that they give you this thumbnail image? It sets you apart from any other page listing on Google, and this is what you can be doing to promote anything under the sun.
    I’d guess that 90% of the people would click on the YouTube link.
    For something like baking a cake, you can watch someone go through it step by step, measuring out ingredients and explaining things.
    Video is the way to go, and if you didn’t like that video, you know you’d find at least a dozen other videos that you can refer to.
    What is the most valuable part about getting on page 1 for a popular search term?
    Over 33 million websites are trying to rank for “how to bake a cake”.
    But what does it represent?
    In a nutshell it’s just free traffic from Google page 1, over to YouTube, linking out to an affiliate offer (or whatever else).
    As you’ll see a little bit later, it takes nothing to set up a YouTube channel. There’s a couple ninja tricks and keyword research that you’ll need to do, but for the most part local businesses either have no time to learn this stuff themselves or they just don’t care.
    A restaurant by and large is just going to focus on the restaurant, and they’re willing to cut some big checks to have someone to do it for them.
    Even if it’s only going to take 60 minutes to do it for this restaurant (or whatever business you offer the service to).
    It’s recommended to charge between $500 and $750.
    These are real checks from James Knight (a good friend of Jay and John) who does this a lot for local businesses:
    It’s also a source of monthly continuity. That means every month these businesses are paying him about $250.
    How many monthly YouTube clients would you need in order to pay for your car payment? How many clients would it cost for you to pay your grocery bills, or even your entire mortgage?
    Monthly passive income like this will change your life, and it is pretty much passive.
    James says that he doesn’t even create the videos for these local businesses for the most part, they create them and send the .mp4 files and he uploads it to YouTube
    We were talking about YouTube being the #2 search engine online, besides the Google search engine. That means people head over to YouTube looking for training, for how to make recipes, dog training information, and other how-to information.
    What if you could get your link to your video showing up right at the top of the organic results?
    Certainly you can do it. You don’t have to be an SEO expert, it just takes time. However, we always want shortcuts (right?)
    So it makes sense to use their “pay per click” program for pennies on the dollar, and be generating this hot super-targeted traffic for any keyword under the sun.
    That’s what the sponsored ads program is all about. Everyone is talking about Facebook traffic right now, but in reality YouTube is the most cost effective and easiest way to do it.
    In a couple weeks Jay will be featuring a YouTube expert Greg Caesar and he does this all day long.
    But these are the hottest and cheapest clicks you can get for any niche.
    What you can see below is a PDF that Jay created for a Fiverr gig. You can sell information products on Fiverr, and you can make thousands of dollars doing it. All he does in terms of delivery is uploading a PDF.

    Video courses are about 10 times more valuable than simple written PDF reports. You can absolutely do this easily with a screen capture program or filming it with a cellphone camera. You then upload those videos to YouTube and deliver your information products this way. Load them up in a word document and convert them to a PDF, and deliver your information products that way. Sometimes hosting these videos can be costly, but when you use YouTube you cut that cost completely.
    All you have to do is set your videos to private so people browsing for information in YouTube will not be able to view them. Only paying customers!
    James Knight makes tens of thousands of dollars with these affiliate review videos. He shoots them all on Google Hangouts which is basically a free webinar program. All he does is interview the product creator, or he walks through the system himself.
    He does some fancy keyword research and uses the tastiest keywords in the titles and descriptions. He uploads them to YouTube and it shows up in the Google search engine, and people find it organically searching for these products.

    You can do the same thing as well and we’ll show you how in just a bit.
    We talk a lot about Amazon publishing. Have you ever thought about creating a book trailer to promote your book?
    It’s a fantastic way to pull this free YouTube traffic over to your Kindle sales page. You can have people subscribing to your channel if you’re a romance writer:

    Business books:
    Any kind of books under the sun, like “how-to” guides:

    Cookbooks and recipe books:
     You can even do children’s books. This author uploads images from their children’s book and uses screen capture with voiceovers to make these videos:

    That children’s book has 28,000+ views and a large percentage goes to that purchase page.
    You can and totally should be doing this if you’re into publishing at all.
    Why wouldn’t you want that targeted, passive YouTube search traffic going right to your sales pages?
    And creating these videos are super easy to learn, which we’ll get more into later as well.
    Last but not least, selling physical products with review or “unboxing” videos.
    Gizmodo does this all the time. It’s a site that reviews new technology and gizmos, and they do it with these “unboxing” videos.
    They may have been the first ones to do it. They pull the item from the box, and walk through the features in front of the camera.
    You can do the same thing for your own physical product that you’re selling yourself. Maybe on Fulfillment By Amazon or via the Amazing Selling Machine.
    If you’re not making videos for your physical products, you should start right now.
    This is a gentleman who does one thing. It doesn’t get any “nichier” than this. He does review and unboxing videos for Thomas the Tank Engine toys:
    Kids really love Thomas the Tank Engine, but surprisingly collectors are watching these the most. These toys are eternal.
    When this image was taken, he had just published the video, and within 48 hours it had generated over 18,000 views. All for this silly Thomas the Tank Engine toys!
    At this point you may be wondering: how you can apply it to your own business?
    What’s the best way to get a channel going?
    What’s the best way to do the research that you need to do in order to optimize these videos and show up on page 1 on Google?
    How do you do all that? Research is super important.
    So let’s walk through the “old-fashioned” way of doing research and then the new “super-charged” way of doing research.
    We mentioned a ton of niches a short while earlier. We’re going to go over an example so you can see the software we use at work as well.
    Let’s use the niche “personal safety”. If you type that in YouTube you can see all of the different “type-aheads” that are available to you as well:

    This is a really simple way to do keyword research. In this case personal safety, and you see all those different suggestions.
    Right here you get can get a ton of ideas from FAQ’s, articles you could write, demographics (women & children), also equipment that you might be able to sell. Clearly there is demand for an understanding for personal safety and training as well.
    This gives you a really good perspective.
    This type-ahead feature gives you an uncanny awareness in order to “niche down”.
    That we mean by that is “sub-niches”. If you’re building an authority website for example, it might be “personal safety”, but you need to have a lot of different articles, sub-topics, and categories that roll up into personal safety.
    You can see at least 4 or 5 sub-categories right here.
    We haven’t done anything special, but it’s using the right lens or having the right awareness for what’s going on in your niche and your market.
    You use it as a “filtering mechanism”. It’s a tactic that you can use in any niche, there’s nothing special about personal safety in terms of this ninja tip.
    If you were to search for “personal safety”, we’re going to focus in the middle area right here:
    You can see there are about 392,000 results. It’s a lot like what you would see on Google. By the way, Google IS YouTube, and YouTube is Google. They are one and the same, that is one reason why you see YouTube videos showing up in the Google search results vs. other video platforms.
    You can get a lot of information on the type of niche that this is, and the type of videos here.
    There’s some for kids, different demographics, even travelling abroad. So personal safety as you travel, that would be another sub-niche.
    If you remember one of the monetization videos, you will notice that the first video does not have a link “above the fold.” There’s also no advertisement:

    Do you think 100% of the people viewing the video will click on the “show more” option? Absolutely not. Better yet, how many people are going to copy and paste the link into a new browser window, since the video author left out the “http://”?
    So not only is the link not above the fold (which is everything before the “show more” option YouTube has), it’s doesn’t even stand out. The reason it doesn’t stand out is because it’s not clickable.
    You could critique this. You could actually reach out to this person and provide a marketing consulting critique and let them know you can help them enormously with the video.
    That puts you in the “alpha” position. It’s a way of being a marketing consultant.
    Another thing that is important is testing to make sure the link actually works, because the exclamation point will actually break that link.
    Have you noticed something that we’re doing which is very important?
    Every time we’re looking for monetization options whether as a marketing consultant or seeing if the video has a link or not, you actually have to perform the searches manually. That means visiting each video to see if they have a link, or if they titled their videos properly, or did things wrong.
    If you go down to another popular video for this niche, “personal safety tips for women”, you’ll notice they left something out:

    There’s no link or call to action. The point here is not everyone is a marketer.
    Are you an entrepreneur?
    The answer is yes!
    If you’re reading this, you’re an entrepreneur, whether you do consulting, publish books, sell physical products on Amazon, consulting, speaking, or training.
    If you’re here, you’re an entrepreneur. You take things of lower value and take them to higher value.
    The way that you do that is by doing things by adding links and optimizing.
    Are you excited about this research and what you’ve learned? You know how to do it manually.
    We have something that is pretty incredible that will change the way you do research forever.
    Unless you’ve already invested in the program, you’ve not seen Video Tube Spy.
    You already know that you have to go back and forth manually. And doing it all with your own spreadsheet would be really meticulous.
    Let’s say that we’re searching for “yoga mat” and we want to display 50 results:
     About 2 seconds later we get a huge list of results:

    The beauty of this is that all of the “metadata” is extracted from the videos.
    Metadata is the data that is associated with and explains the video.
    So we’ve got the “rank”, “title”, “URL”, “Page Rank”, how many “likes” and “dislikes”, the “description”, and even “description link”:
    You should be doing the happy dance here because what that tells us if they don’t have a link in that video, you can do all the piggy-backing that you want.
    You’ll also know how popular it is based on views, likes, and comments.
    It also has all the tags that are associated along with the category, and even the user that you can contact.
    Here is the next piece that is absolutely amazing. Let’s say you were just using the YouTube “piggyback” method and you wanted to identify all the people that have yoga mat videos but do not have a link in the description so you can rent it:
     34 out of 50 videos, that’s 2/3 of the people with videos on YouTube don’t have links in their product descriptions.
    And some of them have an astounding number of views:
    The metadata allows you to sort easily through which videos are bad and what ones are super-hot. And it does that in a matter of seconds.
    There’s so much that you can do with Video Tube Spy.
    There are so many ways to be making money by using this, helping other people, and adding value.
    This is how you can verify and find an authentic niche where there’s money in it.
    This is how we do it. It’s how you know whether or not a niche is valuable, if it has traffic.
    It’s available for you for personal use.
    Or you can just turn around and resell the software because we’ve added White Label Rights. That means you can rebrand it and sell it yourself and keep 100% of the profits!

    There is really no limit to what you can do with software like this. It gives you all the metadata instantly that would take you hours to do by hand.
    And then there’s the fact that we are giving you the right to resell it if you choose to do so.
    Pretty cool software right?
    By the way it also works on both PC and Mac, and we’ll go over more on what that white label means.
    Unfortunately, you’re going to need a little bit more than that software to get off to the fastest start possible with your new YouTube business.
    How can you optimize your videos, set up your channels, really dig into keywords, and get some of those other 9 ways to make money with YouTube?
    We’ve got the training for you and it’s called Video Tube Secrets:
    Please note: This is not some rehashed “how-to” YouTube training.
    These are cutting-edge strategies that includes the latest interface update that YouTube just made less than a month ago.
    This is brand-new training of what’s working right now in 2014 with YouTube marketing.
    You’ll learn everything about how to make money on YouTube, including the 9 ways we showed you as well as 8 more additional ways to make money with YouTube.
    Perhaps some of those ways we just went over were relevant to what you’re doing in your business right now.
    It’s all in there, in fact you’ll get 32 over the shoulder tutorial trainings covering all the basics, then going into more “intermediate” training

    We also have some advanced training for advanced marketers. It’s called the YouTube “Secret Weapons”, and no one is really talking about this stuff. It’s what’s working right now and created by James Knight (AKA “Mr. YouTube”):
    We’ve got everything documented. If you are familiar with the way John & Jay work, you know they go crazy with PDF documentation. That means every video has a PDF manual. Maybe you don’t want to watch every video and just page through the documents. Well it’s all in there

    In addition to all those things, you get expanded training on the 9 ways that we just went over earlier:
    This is a very large offer. It’s not all yet. You’re not just getting that amazing research tool, you’re going to own it outright.
    You’re getting the White-Label Resale Rights for this software.
    What does that mean?
    It means that you can…

    And keep 100% of the profits!
    If you don’t know how to do this we’ve also included rebranded training to show you how to do that as well.
    Here’s why:
    We’ve made hundreds of thousands of dollars selling software just like this.
    And why? It’s the easiest thing in the world to sell online because people love push-button solutions that save them time and money (which Video Tube Spy does both).
    The timing couldn’t be better for you to be selling YouTube or video related software. We keep a close eye on the marketplace, and right now as of summer 2014, the hottest selling products are software:

    The past 4 months the sellers of video and YouTube related software inside this marketplace JVZoo have generated over 3 million dollars in sales.
    That’s another way to earn. Taking this brand-new software and putting your name on it, and then selling it yourself.
    White-Label Resale Rights are only going to be available for this one-time special offer. Even if you’ve never even considered selling software before, you’re going to want to jump in on this. Because if you don’t, when you’re ready you won’t have the software.
    Opportunities for premium software like this may only come around once in a lifetime.
     1. Become a Video Marketing Super-Affiliate
    2. Get Your Videos Ranked on Google Page 1
    3. How to Sell Video Services to Offline Clients
    4. 9 Ways to Make Money with YouTube
    5. YouTube “Piggybacking” System
     You also get Private Label Rights to each one of these training systems!
     In fact you get PLR Rights to everything:

    This PLR upgrade gives you incredible value because you’re essentially getting 10 brand-new products rolled into this package. It allows you to turn this all into something brand-new, and you can even say you created it yourself.
    That’s the power of private label rights.
    If you’ve never made anything with PLR before, John & Jay have made hundreds of thousands of dollars by being private label creators and sellers.
    And if you don’t know how to do that, we’re sending you another bonus training called the “PLR Master-Class” Training.
    That’s everything you’re going to need to know in order to make a killing with this content that you’re getting private label rights to.
    8 Video Squeeze Page Templates
    This is how you take a hobby and turn it into a business, by generating leads! Building an email list in these crazy video niches like the “yoga mat” we went over earlier.
    These are proven squeeze page templates that will allow you to turn your new YouTube videos into an email list of raving fans!
    Basically you can plug in your videos to these pages and start building a list automatically.
    And if you’ve never done anything with email marketing we’ve got you covered there as well:

    We mentioned earlier that your cellphone is going to be your secret weapon #1 in creating these videos, but we have 3 trainings showing you some other methods you can do like screen capture. If you’ve never done that we show you with both free and paid tools.
    Even studio recording, green screen stuff, and highly advanced stuff. When you’re ready it’s going to be waiting for you.
    You’ll also receive Private Label Rights to all 3 Video Creation Toolbox mini-courses!
    This makes Google-optimizing your videos as easy as pushing a button. It finds the perfect keywords for you, so you can start ranking for them inside of Google page 1.
    Use this in combination with Video Tube Spy to get the best niches, and automatically optimize your videos with just one click of your mouse.
    Pretty crazy, right?
    But you’re also getting Private Label Rights to this software as well.
    But that’s not all, not by a long shot, because with your investment in Video Tube Secrets, you’re also going to be receiving 500 royalty-free music tracks. There’s no better way to create a professional quality videos than to add some music, and you’re going to be receive 500 tracks, each about two or three minutes long of just about every musical style under the sun.
    I’m talking about acoustic guitar, electronic beats, country and Western, holiday, even orchestral music tracks. This is basically a lifetime supply of music that you’re going to be able to use for your own videos, for your client’s videos, and you’ll never need to buy anymore.
    Speaking of buying more, I was not kidding with the value of this bonus. If you went to royaltyfreemusic.com, you’re going to pay a minimum of $10 per music track. However, we are giving you a library of 500 music tracks with your investment in Video Tube Secrets today.

    If you were going to hire a developer as we have done to create the Video Tube Spy software for you, you’d pay them over $10,000 and around 12 months.
    You’re getting not only unlimited usage of it, but you can sell it as you choose to.

    Those aren’t random numbers.
    That’s what John & Jay actually pay to their team in order to have them create this material.
    Everything like PDF’s to videos take a tremendous amount of time, research, and energy in order to create, so those numbers are if anything undervalued.
    But here’s our rock-bottom price for you today. No beating around the bush here.
    If you take action right now, you can access this entire Video Tube Secrets Platinum Upgrade for…
    That’s right, this is one of the most “loaded” products that we’ve ever offered, but it’s extremely time sensitive and we will never offer it at this price ever again. Time is of the essence because this offer is only available until midnight Sunday…click on this link for instant access while this exclusive package is still available: http://jjsnip.com/videotube
    This does include everything. This is the absolute best price for the entire package. Nothing is left out at all, everything is included here.
    You’re getting it all plus some bonuses that weren’t available until right now.
    It’s wonderful how so many people are using this course in so many different ways. Whatever your passion is or your business, you are sure to get value out of learning to take advantage of YouTube and all the opportunities it will bring you. Here are just a handful of comments posted by brand new Video Tube Secrets members in our JJ Fast Webinars Group (see them all for yourself right here):


    That’s right, whether you're just starting out or have an established business online...whatever you're doing can be enhanced by partnering with Youtube.
    If you’re ready to get started, you must hurry because it’ll be gone in less than 24 hours (midnight tonight in fact).
    Click here now: http://jjsnip.com/videotube
    Once again, this offer for the “everything included” mega package is only available right here. This special offer is only available until July 27th @ midnight.
    So if you wait even just a day, you’ll most likely lose out.
    Just to remind you, we’ve packed over $20,000 worth of training, tools, and material…
    And you can get it all for only $124.
    Click this link right now before this offer disappears! http://jjsnip.com/videotube

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