Yoga Can Benefit Lower Back Pain Patients: Study
findings suggest that yoga exercise may lead to reducing the symptoms of
lower back pain by a small amount," said lead author Susan Wieland from
Centre for Integrative Medicine at University of Maryland School of
the moment we only have low to moderate quality evidence for the
effects of yoga before six months as a type of exercise for helping
people with chronic lower back pain," Wieland added.
The yoga exercises practised in the studies were developed for low back pain
and people should also remember that in each of the studies we
reviewed, the yoga classes were led by experienced practitioners.
study, published in the journal Cochrane Library, summarized the
results of 12 randomised trials from 1,080 men and women with an average
age between 34 and 48. The Cochrane researchers included studies that
compared practising yoga in a class to not doing any back-focused
exercise, or to other forms of exercise.
Lower back pain
is a common health problem and is usually treated with self-care and
over-the-counter medication. For some people, it may last for three
months or more, and at this point it is considered "chronic".
Review found that compared to no exercise, practising yoga might
improve back-related function and may also reduce symptoms of lower back
pain by a small amount in the first six to 12 months.
"The findings will help people make more informed choices about their future treatment options," the authors wrote.
Good news for people suffering from chronic non-specific lower
yoga may cause an increase in back pain in some people. About 5 per
cent or more yoga participants experienced increased back pain, although
this may be similar to the risk of having side effects from other
back-focused exercise.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
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