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    17 Ways to Make Money from Facebook Page Likes For Beginners

    If you’re like most people, you have a Facebook account and spend a good amount of time on it each day. Whether you use Facebook apps, play games, search for funny memes, or use Facebook for your business, you probably use it more than you think.
    You probably never thought you could actually make money from Facebook, though, did you?
    There’s 1.94 billion active worldwide users on Facebook.
    That’s a lot of people, which also means an incredibly large number of eyes see things on Facebook every day.
    So, not only is it one of the best
     social media networks to promote a business, but it’s also one of the best social media networks for making money, period.
    You just need to know how to do it!
    Although there are many more ways to earn money from Facebook than what we’re listing here, these ways can prove to be some of the most profitable. So, hop on Facebook now and get started!

    Here’s How to Earn Money Like Facebook Pros

    Real people are using these methods to make money on Facebook (I’ve done a few myself!).
    Depending on your skill set and time you have available, you can make them work for you, too.

    Enter Contests and Giveaways

    This is one of my personal favorite ways to score some money on Facebook.
    And, even if the prizes aren’t money, you can always sell prizes you win for cash.
    Almost every business that uses Facebook – and even individuals with their own fan pages – hold Facebook contests or giveaways now and then.
    Why? Well, it’s almost like a free form of advertisement that can spread like wildfire, thanks to the viral nature of Facebook and other social media networks.
    When a business page posts a contest or giveaway, they usually ask participants to tag friends, write a comment, share the status, and like the page.
    When participants do this, the business gets a huge audience of potential customers who are dying to win the prize. Since there’s a prize involved, people are more willing to share to try to win! So, it’s really a win-win for everyone.
    Follow local and big businesses that you love on Facebook, and make sure you change your settings so that you ‘follow’ their updates.
    That way, they’ll show in your newsfeed and you have a better chance of knowing when they post contests.
    The best thing about this method is that you usually don’t have to do anything to win besides a quick share or comment, so it’s minimal effort to try to win something worthwhile.

    Join Online Garage Sale Groups

    Facebook groups are just about the best type of garage sale there is.
    You can browse conveniently online, search for the things you’re looking for with the search feature, and bypass all the rest.
    Look for local garage sale groups so you won’t have to worry about as many scams and shipping costs.
    Usually, searching Facebook Groups for terms like “[your city] items for sale” or “[your city] garage sale” will yield some results for these types of groups.
    When you find some you’re interested in, request to join them.
    Be sure to read the rules for buying and selling, which most groups have listed in a pinned post within the group.
    Also, take note of the administrator’s name(s) so you can tag him or her if there’s any issue.
    People often do this if they have issues with someone not being truthful about a listing or attempting to scam members in another way.

    Resell Items from Online Garage Sale Groups

    Just as people do offline, you can buy things for low prices on Facebook garage sale groups to turn around and sell later.
    The good thing about this is there are so many ways you can choose to sell the items.
    Resell them in other Facebook groups, create your own Facebook group for selling purposes, sell them at a flea market or consignment shop, or even sell them online on Amazon, eBay, or other selling sites.
    You can even sell your items on Facebook’s own Marketplace, which is specifically designed for you to create eye-catching listings for local buyers to find.
    The only skills you need to have are a great eye for finding awesome products at low prices that can turn a decent profit and marketing your listings, depending on how you choose to sell.

    Join a Buy, Sell, Trade Facebook Group

    Similar to Facebook garage sale groups are Buy, Sell, Trade groups.
    Many locations all over the United States have these groups, also known as BST groups, specific to certain towns or counties.
    For my area, for example, there is a BST group for my town and for my county.
    I’m a member of both so I can target people very close to me and in my surrounding area with my listings.
    The main difference between BST groups and garage sale groups is that, in addition to just buying and selling, you can trade items too.
    Since there are more options available in BST groups, there are generally more members in these groups, too, which means a bigger audience for your listings.

    Resell Your Items from Buy, Sell, Trade Facebook Groups

    Much like garage sale Facebook groups, you can resell your items you buy or trade from BST groups.
    Trading is a good idea if you have things you don’t need, other things you want, and don’t really want to spend the cash to get the things you want.
    You may be able to save some money while scoring items via trading that you can turn for a decent profit.
    Many people have luck selling items on places like Amazon and eBay, but it also depends on the type of items you buy.
    There are niche selling sites online that may be more profitable for you since they have a very specific audience.
    For example, if you’re into buying and reselling electronics, Gazelle could be a good place to sell.
    Clothing, on the other hand, would likely sell well on Swap.

    Start Your Own Profitable Group

    If selling within other Facebook groups doesn’t seem to give you the control you want over your listings, you can certainly start your own.
    In fact, this is a great move to make if you intend to sell a specific type of item, like jewelry, furniture, or toys.
    Create a group for your local area based on the category of products you want to sell.
    As you gain more members by adding your friends and having your friends add interested people, you can expand your group in different ways.
    For example, if you sell jewelry, you can start making your own pieces, too, or expand to sell a variety of accessories.
    You may even want to consider joining up with some friends who sell similar items to make your group bigger and attract a broader audience.
    Then, you can collaborate to create live sales and manage the group together, taking some of the weight off your shoulders.

    Find Freelance Jobs

    Believe it or not, you can use Facebook to find freelance jobs!
    Again, specific groups on Facebook are excellent for this. Search along the lines of “freelance [skill/job]”, like “freelance writer”, “freelance designer”, or “freelance photographer”.
    Your search will likely lead several results for groups, and you can weed through to find the most active and helpful ones.
    Since the members of the groups either have experience in the field, or are still learning the ropes, you can all bounce ideas off each other.
    It’s a great way to network, find job leads, and even just gather a list of helpful resources to grow your freelance business to make more money.

    Manage Facebook Accounts

    I’ve always managed my own Facebook pages for my blogs and business, but I’ve known plenty of bloggers and business owners who have gladly handed off the task to someone else.
    Managing Facebook pages isn’t as easy as it seems.
    Facebook has strange algorithms that take some time to master.
    And, coming up with consistent content is time-consuming, and it’s easy to run out of ideas.
    Not to mention, you still need to do a lot of work to promote your content, build an audience, and really make your pages help your business.
    Plenty of virtual assistants and social media managers make money just by taking over the Facebook pages of bloggers and businesses.
    It takes a very organized person to do the job, but you can earn a full-time income if you gain enough clients.
    You can even use Facebook to promote your Facebook managing services!

    Become a Brand Ambassador

    If you’re already a blogger, you probably know all about brand ambassadorship.
    If not, being a brand ambassador means promoting products and services you love.
    In turn, the company sponsors you to gush about its products and services.
    Most companies know how important social media is – possible even more so than blogs!
    Social media is probably the easiest way to reach a large audience in the shortest amount of time.
    If you have a Facebook page for your blog or business and have taken the time to build up your followers, you can likely qualify for brand ambassadorships.
    Of course, companies like to see that people actually engage with your Facebook page with likes, comments, shares, etc.
    Quality is more important than quantity in this case.
    If you want to find companies that offer brand ambassador opportunities for bloggers and those active on social media, check out the list from Tiffany’s Reviews.

    Become an Authority

    Becoming an authority figure in a niche or industry that you’re interested in is always a good way to position yourself as a trustworthy person in that niche to gain more followers and eyes on your brand.
    Facebook can help make that happen, and can be a good source of both direct and indirect income.
    Create a Facebook group for your industry. Make it stand out so that it offers something different than others.
    For example, if you want to offer a lawncare service, you can market your group to those you know in your town.
    To make it unique, make the focus of the group a question and answer resource group for people to post their most pressing questions about lawncare.
    You, as the admin of the group, have the power to quickly become an authority figure in your area on lawncare services by jumping in to answer your members’ questions.
    Then, utilize the platform to promote your services and let others know what you can do for them.
    Make sure you’re available often to quickly answer questions and provide your members with helpful tips.

    Promote Affiliate Links

    If you have an authority group all set up, another way you can make money with it is by promoting affiliate links.
    If you’re not familiar with affiliate marketing, let me explain.
    Affiliate links are unique links to a specific product or service.
    When someone clicks your link and makes a purchase, you receive commission based on the sales price or a fixed rate per lead.
    Amazon Associates is a super popular form of affiliate marketing where you can recommend Amazon products and receive commission when someone purchases them.
    So, let’s use our lawncare Facebook group example.
    Those in your group are interested in lawncare products and tips, right?
    You can create a Facebook post in the group that highlights some of your favorite gardening products.
    Use Amazon Associates links to link to some helpful gardening products, like shovels, gloves, and soil.
    People click and purchase, and you make money.
    Just make sure you follow Amazon’s rules for affiliate links and disclosure, because it does keep an eye on its associates.

    Refer Your Friends

    No Facebook group is necessary for this one, just your good old friends list!
    But, a Facebook page with a lot of followers can definitely help.
    If you’re a member of places like Swagbucks and InboxDollars that have referral programs, invite your friends!
    Swagbucks, for example, gives you 10% of your friends’ lifetime earnings.
    So, if they earn 100 Swagbucks, you get 10.
    When you have a Facebook page or group with several followers or members, you can potentially get a lot of referrals.
    Just make sure you don’t get spammy with invites.
    Create a helpful post that will make others want to sign up, outlining how the site has helped you make money.
    It’s even a good idea to provide some proof that you’ve gotten paid.
    Begging your friends and followers to join will make you seem desperate, and they’ll likely get annoyed by your constant requests.

    Get into Direct Sales

    Yes, direct sales are flooding Facebook and can be a bit irritating.
    But, there’s a reason those in direct sales are using Facebook to promote their businesses: it works!
    Those in direct sales, like Younique, LuLaRoe, and Young Living Essential Oils, can create Facebook pages and groups to gain a huge audience for their products.
    Now that Facebook has the Facebook Live function, direct sales consultants can use the feature for live sales, which are becoming a super popular way to sell.
    Plus, your videos have the potential to get shared and go viral (especially if you offer your viewers a chance to win a prize for sharing!), which can grow your business fast.
    Even with zero selling experience, you can make it big as a direct sales consultant when you use Facebook.

    Host a Direct Sales Event for Someone Else

    If you’re not quite sure about hosting your own events – they do take a lot of time to set up and organize – you can host events for someone else.
    Most direct sales consultants like to reach new potential buyers by utilizing their friends to host events.
    This way, the consultant gets a bigger audience and can possibly find more people to join her team.
    As a host for another consultant’s event, you usually can score free stuff for yourself.
    This depends on how much your friends participate and how many items get sold during your event.
    The more sales that happen, the more you can potentially get for free.
    Sometimes, even cash prizes are involved!

    Turn in the Hackers

    One little-known way to make money with Facebook is by turning in hackers and reporting serious security flaws.
    Of course, it’s a long shot to make money from this because the flaw has to have been undiscovered by Facebook already.
    And, since Facebook has a complete team of security wizards, it’s likely they already know about any bugs.
    Still, one person made $15,000 from Facebook in 2016 by reporting a serious flaw that could allow potential hackers to gain access to user accounts without even needing a password.
    This is all thanks for Facebook’s Bug Bounty Program, which allows users to report any serious security issues to developers.
    Reward amounts depend on how serious the issue is, but the minimum bounty is $500. Not a bad paycheck for reporting a flaw, right?

    Advertise Your Business

    Facebook pages are tricky to learn, but they can be a great way to promote a business.
    Unfortunately, Facebook updates its algorithms regularly, which make it difficult to keep up with.
    Even though you post several statuses to a page every day, only a small portion of your audience sees them.
    Engagement is a huge part of Facebook’s algorithm.
    The more your audience likes, comments, and shares your stuff, the more people will see what you post.
    So, it’s important to have a healthy mix of shareable content with your promotions to maximize views.
    Photographers tend to do very well advertising on Facebook because beautiful photos are something that people share naturally.
    If you don’t have a product or service that’s as naturally shareable, you’ll need to get more creative.
    Offer contests or giveaways, share interesting content, or create shareable memes for more engagement.
    Then, mix in some special promotions or discounts for your business that are of interest to your audience.
    You can even spend a little money on Facebook ads to reach a larger audience.

    Use PassUBuy

    PassUBuy is an interesting system that can help out your friends while earning you money.
    On PassUBuy, you can sell items through the app on Facebook.
    Your friends can see what you’re selling if they also have an account.
    They can either choose to buy an item or pass it on to one of their friends, which can bring more eyes to your items.
    But, if you don’t want to sell anything, you can simply make money by referring your friends to items they might be interested in!
    This works the same way as when you sell.
    Browse your friends’ items, refer them to your network, and if someone buys something, you get money.
    The incentive amount depends on the price of the item, but you’ll see the price near the listing if you choose to Pass It On.

    Now You Know How to Make Money from Facebook Page Likes (and More!)

    See? There are tons of ways to make money from Facebook just like the pros do.
    This list only scratches the surface.
    Of course, as with almost any way of making money, most of these ways will take time.
    If you couldn’t tell, creating a Facebook group is one of the best ways to make money on Facebook.
    You can use a group in so many ways to earn money, from business promotion to selling items, and more.
    If you want to go the business route, I recommend checking out this post about using Facebook groups to build your business.
    It’s an excellent resource for learning how to promote a business in already-made groups and for those you create and manage.
    Have you earned money on Facebook from any of these methods?
    Are there other methods you’d recommend?
    Let us know in a comment below!

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