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    Dance and Drama

    Dance and Drama


    The art of dance in Bangladesh draws freely from the sub continental classical forms as well as the folk, tribal, ballet and Middle Eastern strains. Of the tribal dances, particularly popular are Manipuri and Santhal.
    The Bulbul Academy of Fine Arts (BAFA), set up in Dhaka in the early 1950s, played a pioneering role in the promotion of dance in the country. A number of other cultural organizations have helped in popularizing the art form. No cultural evening in this country is complete without a dance item.


    Drama in Bangladesh has an old tradition and is very popular. In Dhaka more than a dozen theater groups have been regularly staging locally written plays as well as those adapted from famous writers, mainly of European origin. Popular theatre groups are Dhaka Theatre, Nagarik Nattya Sampraday and Group Theatre.
    In Dhaka, the Baily Road area is known as 'Natak Para', where drama shows are regularly held. The Public Library Auditorium and National Museum Auditorium are renowned for holding cultural shows. The Dhaka University area especially around Shahbagh plays a pivotal role in the city's cultural life. With the recent creation of the Academy of Performing Arts in Dhaka this vibrant art form is expected to gain further impetus.
    Jatra (Folk Drama) is another vital part of the Bengali culture. It depicts mythological episodes of love as well as historical and social themes. Legendary plays of heroism are also popular, particularly in the rural areas.
    In the past jatra was the biggest form of entertainment for the rural folk, who made up 80% of the country's population. Nowadays, jatra has been relegated to the back seat in the entertainment world. Gradually, popular western and Bollywood culture are having a greater impact on traditional cultural forms such as jatra.

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